The Pimp Chronicles is over 3 years old now, and it's still in regular rotation in my house hold. The part about Smart Dumb Niggas in particular is something I can still laugh at.
"Aint nothin worse than a smart dumb nigga, just a nigga at your house smart than a dumb muthafucka....."
Which leads me to Twitter.... I love Twitter, but I swear at least once a day I see some shit like this.

When i first saw this, I was going to reply to him and point out that the brain is not a muscle, but an organ. And then I was going to let him know he should have used "you're" instead of "your", and "too" instead of "to" .... and then make reference to the irony of him not exercising his brain despite this public service message.
But then I realized all that shit is too long for 140 characters... and I didn't want to get into a "Twitter fight" over dumb shit. So instead he's getting made fun of on my blog.
- Dell
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