About The Site:
Hella Hoard is a collaborative blog brought to you by Dell & Gin, two friends from The Bay & L.A. respectively. The posts you read here will have not follow a specific topic and will probably vary wildly from day to day. For those of you who haven't spoken to certain people from southern California... "Hoard" is pronounced "Hard".... sound it out to yourself, you'll get it.
Topics discussed here may or may not be NSFW, consider yourself warned.
About The Authors:
Dell is a male in his 20s from the Bay Area, he loves sports, music, women with wide hips and big areolas. I write a sports blog in my free time, and I edit for a music website professionally.
Gin is a 21 year old female from Los Angeles. I work for a prominent female clothing brand as well as doing freelance, business shit and side jobs with design firms. No, I'm not Jamaican. I end up having to create in a certain lane so this blog is a free zone. I'm basically like a feminist that enjoys big booty hoes. I like burritos, wit, quoting rappers and art.
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