So I've been numb for a while now. Being single has to be the worst shit invented. Every time I talk to a guy friend they don't understand...
"Why don't you just go out with your girlfriends?"
"You're attractive.. what's wrong?.. I'd fuck you."
"Girl, just go out there and fuck something..it's EASY for girls."
It's actually pretty difficult. I'm not fond of stranger dick. I gotta know some shit and people who are dumb as fuck instantly slip off my radar. *sigh This isn't mentioning the stereotypes women get..I don't really care about that. If it ain't illegal then...I dun care...
Meanwhile dudes making complete, thought out statements will make me hot. I was just watching a video thinking "oh my God, that makes sense... he's getting kinna sexy right now." My standards are getting lowered - that shit is dangerous. I don't wanna have a dick I regret - not yet. I'm only 21.
My brain has bad timing. I'll be working and the dick I regret will pop up and make me half-ass all my designs and write-ups. This happens with just regular shit..and I get a twitch. A Smokey on angel dust twitch. I can only imagine the twitch getting really bad in a dick flashback. I refuse to do the Thriller dance at work. No way.
Oh penis, how I miss thee. I need penile injection, stat. Smart, funny, attractive, alpha male penis.
- Gin that Mackin' Ass Nigga
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