I grew up with my mom. My father was sick for a large portion of my life so I didn't get those weekend visits. One thing my mom and I would do together is watch scary movies.
There was Pumpkinhead, It's Alive, Nightmare on Elm Street - we really watched them all. I learned after my mom's suggestions that... she is one sick individual lol. My mother grew up in a religious household - their business was the church. My mom sang in the choir, went EVERYDAY. Although I still find the hell and brimstone shit to be terrifying and unnecessary lol... no excuse for this one movie she brought home.
I was older so she was more 'loose' about movie choices. She had me sitting with her watching this movie based on the 'Big Bad Wolf'/'3 Little Pigs'/Werewolf thing. She's kind of narrating it, so I stay interested. It's obviously low budget, storyline is kinna off.
The werewolf dude is gross and overly sexual so, I'm just kind of thrown by his behavior. For the big kill scene, he rapes some chick and his penis is fucking huge. It comes out her mouth and there's blood everywhere. Then he rips her entire body apart with it. This is accompanied by his crude humor. (The other kids were watching for some reason...RUN IDIOTS!) Saying I was disgusted is an understatement.
The victim was a virgin, so it totally went against scary movie rules too. I looked at my mom and said, "whhhhhy did you show me this movie?!!!" She's looking at the movie attentively, responding with, "yeaaa that's sick, right?" All my insides felt like they've been violated. I never seen shit so disturbing, besides torture movies.
Needless to say I always ask a load of questions before watching another movie with my mom. Fucking crazy. Nobody wanna see that shit. o_O
- Gin
Haha, the cat picture is very funny