Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

I went to visit a long lost friend from highschool a couple days ago. We talked about a lot of things but of course highschool was a key topic. Now, I hardly remember anything from highschool. It was a part of my life where family shit was going on so I was more concerned with that. A majority of the things he remembered surprised me.

However, not all the lesbians. Girls came out hard between 10th and 11th grade. They'd go from form fitting to loose white tees and New Era fitted caps over the Summer. I was just wondering how they figured out their identity so quickly. It bothered me that they all fit into niches. Where the bisexuals at? Where's the not clearly butch, not clearly feminine checks at? lol It seems like everyone played a role. Not to mention knowing some of the butch girls for a while know their favorite Powerpuff Girl, etc - but they want you to treat them like a man? Heffa your name is Cyrstal.

I respect it though, I generally have no judgment on how people choose to identify themselves. I can find it funny. It is. People take the sexual side of themselves too seriously. Girls would try to lesbian up every aspect of their life. If they could open their locker the lesbian way, they would.

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