I'm too optimistic to believe the past effects my choices today as far as dating goes. I'm quite limited in the whole area because I've been told cautionary tales of emotionally battered females, lol. Women settle a lot, I just wait until I'm somewhat intrigued by someone - so at least the game is somewhat worth it. Some witty guy with a good sense of humor that's a bit of an asshole, you know - just to make it interesting.
I was kind of with someone before - whom I was never really with because I didn't care for titles. However, everything about my behavior was girlfriend. His wasn't, and he expected me to just be there for him. He also expected to not fuck anyone else. I asked about it casually and he said, "I know it's not fair... but I couldn't look at you the same." I laughed. And I eventually got tired of him, or bored.
This is what guys do to those 'cool' females who aren't looking for commitment. And now he's hinting at wanting a girlfriend, go figure. I was just tripped out because I was stuck. I really didn't want to mess with other dudes, but it was like he was playing both sides. I took him for what his flawed logic presented. *shrug Now there's just phone conversations that he initiates, and my abrupt endings, "so... OK I'll talk to you later, BYE!"
I can't deal with guys around my age or younger than me anymore. I can't deal with guys that just ain't doing shit - really. I can't deal with guys without a plan and who don't intrigue me. Irresponsible, etc. It was just lame - settling when he wasn't worth it, just being willing.
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