Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

I've been watching Mr. Chi City act a fool on YouTube every since his Refridgerator Drinks Video a while back, and he always brings the comedy. Anyways, the latest video isn't focused on comedy at all... it's exposing the culture of YouTubing for dollars.

Just like the blogging world, there's also a world of people making an ass of themselves on YouTube because if you're good at it you can make pretty good money. Instead of lashing out of people in their bedroom who are trying to get paid, Chi-City aims his gun at YouTube and how they encourage this type of behavior.

Two things about this that DID make me laugh are:

1. He airs out the Hi-Arts company by sharing what they do, and then whipping out the contract on camera before throwing it on the floor.

2. The fact that he's in some sort of cornfield stealing corn (which he later cooks on camera) and he NEVER says anything about it during the video. Maybe I'm the only one who finds that funny... It's like someone making an instructional video on how to play Basketball.... but off in the distance you can see an old lady getting mugged in the background and nobody ever says anything.

Anyways I'm rambling now... enjoy the video.

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